Loud Fridge Theatre Group
Simple homes. Quiet streets. An ice cream shop. A record shop. A coffee shop. The faces are friendly. The schools are clean. A nice little neighborhood. But don't look too closely. Things are not what they seem. Beneath the neon blue lighted neighborhood sign on the intersection of Adams Avenue and Felton Street, a welcoming committee gather in the middle of the night to tell bizarre stories of sci-fi, fantasy and horror, all set in the historical San Diego, California neighborhood of Normal Heights. Written by award-winning playwright, Christian St. Croix ("Monsters of the American Cinema", "ZACH") and presented by Loud Fridge Theatre Group ("Neat", "Ripped"), "Normal Heights" invites you to reimagine the neighborhood you know where bedsheet ghosts play, a gorilla lives in the sewers, robots are offered birthday cake, and a giant killer bird flies above it all.